Tuesday, June 01, 2004


Thesis contents

1) Complete presentations on genetic algorithm and how they are
being used to solve the Travelling Salesman problem.
2) What are the different types of GA we have.
3) What are the different operators we have.
4) Application of GA's
5) How GA's are used to solve the TS problem.
b) Which GA is used.
c) What are the operators used.
d) Algorithm itself.
e) Itself.

a) Population.
b) Mutation rate.
c) Crossover rate.
d) Initial size of the population.
e) Terminating condition.
f) Population selection procedure.
g) Role of operators being used (which operators ).
h) Chromosome representation.
i) Generation cycle.

7)Plot the results
a) With reference to size of poplulation with respect
to computation time.
b) By changing crossover rate and mutation rate.
c) Changing the representation of chromosomes.

Name of thesis

OPtimised GA for Travelling salesman problem

Project Reports


    Link 1
  1. Link 2

You might want to consider using adaptive crossover and mutation techniques per The Design of Innovation.and the work at http://www-illigal.ge.uiuc.edu/
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